Understanding Acne

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. It is most common in teenagers but a growing number of women and men have acne in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Why treat acne?

• Without treatment, dark spots and permanent scars can appear on the skin as acne clears.

• Treating acne often boosts a person’s self-esteem.

• Many effective treatments are available.

Acne can appear on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks.

What acne looks like?

• Blackheads
• Pustules
• Whiteheads
• Cysts
• Papules
• Nodules

Acne treatment that you apply to the skin:

Most acne treatments are applied to the skin. Your dermatologist may call this topical treatment. There are many topical acne treatments. Some topicals help kill the bacteria. Others work on reducing the oil. The topical medicine may contain a retinoid, prescription-strength benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic, or even salicylic acid. Your dermatologist will determine what you need.

Acne causes:

• Low self-esteem/depression: The depression can be so bad that people think about what it would be like to commit suicide. Many studies have found that teens who believe that they have “bad” acne were likely to think about committing suicide.
• Dark spots on the skin: These spots appear when the acne heals. It can take months or years for dark spots to disappear.
• Scars (permanent): People who get acne cysts and nodules often see scars when the acne clears. You can prevent these scars. Be sure to see a dermatologist for treatment if you get acne early — between 8 and 12 years old. If someone in your family had acne cysts and nodules, you also should see a dermatologist if you get acne. Treating acne before cysts and nodules appear can prevent scars.


Acne treatment that works throughout the body:

Medicine that works throughout the body may be swollen types of acne. This type of necessary when you have red, treat acne cysts and nodules.

Date of Publication:
February 14, 2017 at 10:11 pm

How do dermatologists diagnose acne?

To diagnose acne, a dermatologist will first examine your skin to make sure you have acne. Other skin conditions can look like acne.

How do dermatologists treat acne?

Today, there are many effective acne treatments. This does not mean that every acne treatment works for everyone who has acne. But it does mean that virtually every case of acne can be controlled. Despite the claims, acne treatment does not work overnight. Once acne clears, you must continue to treat the skin to prevent breakouts.

When to see a dermatologist?

If you have acne, cysts, or nodules, a medicine that you can buy without a prescription may not work. If you want to see clearer skin, you should see a dermatologist. Dermatologists offer the following types of treatment:

Your dermatologist may prescribe one or more of these:

• Antibiotics (help to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation).
• Other medicine that works on hormones (can be helpful for women and teens).
• Isotretinoin, formerly known as Accutane (if all other treatments fail and patient is a good candidate).

Waiting for acne to clear on its own can be frustrating. Without treatment, acne can cause permanent scars, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. To avoid these possible outcomes, dermatologists recommend that people treat acne. When the skin clears, treatment should continue. Treatment prevents new breakouts. Your dermatologist can tell you when you no longer need to treat acne to prevent breakouts.

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