Believing these common skin cancer myths can be deadly. Read on to find out the truth instead.

  • Regular sunscreen use prevents vitamin D absorption

    Vitamin D, which is produced in the skin after sun exposure, is known to improve bone health and reduce the risk of certain cancers. Getting an adequate amount of vitamin D is dependent on these three tactics: 1) eating foods that contain vitamin D, 2) taking a vitamin D supplement, and 3) getting a small amount of sun exposure. The fact is that large epidemiologic studies reflecting real life conditions prove clearly that sunscreen use does not cause vitamin D deficiencies. Adequate vitamin D can be obtained safely and cheaply through food and dietary supplements without the risks associated with overexposure to UV radiation. If you are concerned about your vitamin D levels, speak with your doctor.

  • Sunscreen is unsafe and causes skin cancer

    Over the years, a few controversies have developed regarding the safety of sunscreen. The safety of sunscreens has been studied in labs and on live subjects by reputable research scientists for many years. The results of these studies provide overwhelming evidence that sunscreens are safe and effective. No current published data has demonstrated adverse health effects on humans from the regular use of sunscreen.

  •  It is safe to use tanning beds as long as you use sunscreen

    Indoor tanning, with or without sunscreen, exposes you to intense UV rays, increasing your risk of melanoma and other skin cancers.

  •  Biopsy of suspicious moles will cause skin cancer

    One of the myths about skin cancer is that a biopsy will stir up the skin cancer or melanoma cells and cause them to infiltrate the body. No evidence indicates that this will happen.

  •  “Base” sun tan in the beginning of summer or before vacation is ok

    Have you ever visited a tanning salon to get a “base tan” before your beach vacation? If so, you’ve fallen victim to one of the most prevalent myths about skin cancer: that tanning before sun exposure prevents skin from burning. This common misconception, along with a host of other myths about skin cancer, could have deadly results: Rates of melanoma–the most dangerous type of skin cancer–are rising, particularly among young women.

  •  Skin cancer only occurs on sun exposed areas

    Any skin cancer, non melanoma skin cancer or melanoma, can arise on any area of the body, regardless of whether or not a sunburn occurred in that location. Skin cancer can develop on any part of your body. That includes places where you’re less likely to notice something new or suspicious—like your genitals, the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, between your fingers or toes, and underneath your nails.

  •  Skin cancer is easy to spot because of abnormal borders or dark color

    Skin cancer can look like a pimple, wart, cyst, freckle, or bruise and can be very small. Diagnosing possible skin cancers can be confusing, so show your skin health care professional anything suspicious.

Date of Publication:
September 12, 2017 at 5:16 pm